
Monday, July 19, 2010

It's 3 am...

and I think i'm finally done packing.

" When you go on a big trip with a group of people, you feel a bond with them that lasts for months or even years. The bond is especially strong if it's a dangerous sort of trip, like canoeing in white water or hiking into a particularly sketchy and remote piece of wilderness. I think that bond forms because the people in the group know they're doing something new and perhaps uncomfortable, and they associate their fellow participants with that great rush that comes from being brave, from going all the way out."

- Steven Rinella, The Scavenger's Guide to Haute Cuisine

To my friends: thanks for the rush!

Monday, July 12, 2010

7 days...

In exactly one week I'll be boarding a plane to begin my next adventure. I will be joining the Peace Corps to serve 27 months in Zambia as a Rural Fish Culture Extension Agent. If there's anything i've learned in the last year of my application (yes, really) it is that PC is all about acronyms and fancy titles. I have no idea what i'll be doing. I think it's got something to do with raising fish... and no, i do not know anything about fish. I may have caught a fish once, i'm not sure. Anywho, i'm not going to sit here and bore you about my application process and how i was supposed to go to the Pacific Islands and blah blah blah. However, being flexible is definitely key and as patient as i am, there were plenty of times that i just wanted to punch someone in the face.

Now that i'm one week away the question is: Am i ready? I'm going to go with no, I am definitely not ready. That said, I do have a plan. The plan is to go all Maverick style and fly by the seat of my pants.

If there is anything you need to know about me, it is that i love, absolutely love (borderline obssessed with) gadgets and gear. Let's just say, I think i'm ready to take on the apocalypse and/or be on the next mtv hobo cribs. Perhaps I'll get around to posting pictures and stuff, but i'm really busy.

So, what do you do with yourself when you're one week away from catching a flight or two to the middle of nowhere, Africa? It's a tough life i tell ya. I've been balancing watching movies (every night), practicing my sewing skills, peace corps journal stalking, hanging out at costco, and hanging out in child's pose as Shaun T's INSANITY plays in the background.

Alas, I'm off to LA and for a few days and will check back in when i've run out of movies to watch.